On the other hand, there are some strengths and disadvantges of corpus-based reference tools in comparison with a dictionary.First of all, as mentioned above, corpus-based reference tools can provide learners the collocation and the frequency of vocabulary. Also, some concordancers are bilingual that it's suitable for second language learners to use.Furthermore, corpus-based reference tools give learners more examples in real contexts tha dictionary cannot do.However, unlike dictionary, there are some functions the corpus-based reference tools cannot provides.For example, we can see the pronunciation and some comparison with other similar word in dictionary. Moreover, corpus-based reference tools are sometimes limited. For instance, Brown corpus has not renewed for a long time.But language is always changing through time, so if those tools do not renewed, it's not effective enough for learners to use.
In conclusion, although there are both strengths and disadvantages of corpus-based reference tools and dictionaries. It is still important for language learners and researchers to know how to use the best of these tools.