Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekly Juornal 20090309-0315

Dear Diary:

Last week, I went to Hsinchu to take the exam in NCTU(交大) and NTHU(清大). There is only one thing came to my mind - gosh, how can it be so difficult!!!! I did not stop writing until the last minute and I was almost unable to finish my essay. But you know what? There is one essay question asking about CALL!! Let me post the question in the following:

CALL and corpus linguistics are two fast-growing areas in the TESOL field. In your opinion, why should teachers apply the knowledge accumulated in these areas to their daily teaching?(10%) Give one concrete example of applying the knowledge learned from CALL and/or corpus linguistics to language teaching. Situate you discussion in a specific context, for example, teaching non-English majors business communication skills in a Taiwanese university.

See, it's a total integrated question. I didn't know how I finish the essay and make it organized just like I can never figure out the difference between cohesion and coherence. = =+

But I still gave some points that I learned from CALL class. For example, teachers can use corpus and concordancer to facilitate their teaching, such as collocation and vocabulary.

But...what about the concrete example of applying CALL? It came out with no conclusion.

I really wish that I had taken the class last semester!!!!'s all my complaint about the stressful exam. But some thoughts have come to me: If I could enter the TESOL graduate school, why not try to make reasearch on CALL. It will be interesting, isn't it?

p.s. This Saturday, I am going to take the exam of NTNU. That's my NO.1 school!!!

Wish me luck again, heehee. ^____________________^

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