Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Assignment 6: Note of ESL Podcast 466

1. to be cut out to do sth : to be created to do sth, sth that is a good match for you, sth that is intended for you. ex: He is not cut out for that kind of work. (He doesn’t have the talent for that work)

2. patients : people who are receiving medical care

3. bedside manner : the way that a doc or nurse talks to people how they get medical advice or instruction or other information. The general term refers to how doctor treats their patients, how they communicate with their patients.

4. callous : without considering another person’s feelings. Not considerate about others.

5. taking a turn for the worse : to be getting worse. to become more ill or sicker. Opposite : getting better.

6. blurt sth out : to say sth without thinking about it first. Without considering about the result after saying it.

7. diagnosis : The doctor’s conclusion about what the medical problem is, the doctor’s idea about one’s health

8. soften : to make it nice, to make it easier to accept (soften the blow(a punch or a hit) = soften the news)

9. prognosis : The doctor’s opinion about how your health will change in the future. (compare with diagnosis)

10. comfort or reassure : to do or to say sth to make a person feel better. To make a person more confident about sth, less worried about sth.

11. feel sorry for sb / sth : to understand a person’s difficulty

12. faze sb : You are surprised because someone else wasn’t affected by sth or didn’t have strong reaction about sth.

13. hysterics : uncontrol emotions. you can’t stop crying because the emotion is so strong

14. compassionate with sb :to be care, kind and nice to someone.

15. against one's nature : sth that you can’t do because it’s not part of your personality, it’s not part of your character, it’s not part of who you are.

16. anything but : to emphasize the next word by saying that is definitely not ture. ex: The movie is anything but boring = The movie is exciting.

red words refer to those that I am not familiar with

blue ones refer to those that I've seen before but still need to review

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